Hey hey!! It makes me so happy that you have come to my little corner of the internet.  Let me introduce myself!! My name is Kristen Borchgrevink! I am a music director, worship leader, vocal teacher and consumer of all things musical theatre. I run on coffee, Target runs, and a little bit of sarcasm! (ok maybe a lot of sarcasm). I am married to the most incredible man in the world (Peter) who puts up with all my crazy. 😜 I have two spunky, sweet and sassy daughters who fill this world with so much light and laughter.  I am 30 (woo hoo) and I am actually looking forward to this new decade of my life! It is a privilege to grow old! 

I wanted to start this blog for a number of reasons.  The first being I wanted a place to normalize the things we go through as mothers.  I felt very lonely and isolated doing the first introduction to motherhood and dealt with some postpartum anxiety and felt like no one else understood what I was going through.  I want this to be a place that is unfiltered and full of grace.  A place where I can laugh at myself and share some of the hilarious situations I find myself in on a daily basis.  Life is pretty funny when you stop and allow yourself to laugh.  Secondly, I love fashion and beauty.  I am not claiming to have a perfect style or the same style as everyone else, but I am very budget focused when buying clothing.  I have a passion for finding the same fashion I see on high end racks at prices I can afford.  I love showing people how to style simple outfits from clothes you probably already own, and what articles of clothing are worth being in your closet.  Thirdly, I have a passion for encouragement.  I want this to be a place where someone can come and get inspired by fashion, funny stories, fitness, home decor or my faith journey.  I don’t pretend to have it all together, in fact I find that lately I am becoming more and more proud of my failures because it shows I am growing.  I strive for grace, real over perfect, and tend to be very silly so buckle your seatbelts!! 😂 

I came up with the name MindfullyMendedMama for a couple of reasons. Number one1: I am a mom.  I have joined the mama hood and it has been a crazy ride that I am so proud of.  Number two: I am Mended by grace.  I am very open about my struggles and about my humanity. I truly believe that the Lord has healed my broken pieces in my life and will continue to put me back together.  I am constantly being mended by my potters hands, I think its beautiful.  Number 3: I am mindful. The dictionary defines mindful as ‘focusing one's awareness on the present moment’.  I am constantly striving to bring my attention to the present.  I have a tendency to look to the future and worry, but God is teaching me to be aware and to focus on the now. So altogether, I am focusing on the present, allowing God to mend my broken pieces while learning how to be the mama God designed me to be! 

With that being said, Welcome.  I hope you feel inspired, encouraged and beautiful, but most importantly I hope you leave feeling less alone than when you clicked on my little corner of the world. ❤️
