Finding Faith in the Fibers

Hi Friends!

I recently asked what you wanted to see today on the blog and the results of the poll were a resounding 85% of you wanted to know what was on my heart. I sat down and really searched my heart and what I found I would like to share with you.



Yes, Laundry! I am sorry if you were seeking something extremely profound but there it is. Perhaps it is on my heart because we recently had an uphill battle getting a washing machine at our new house. I won’t bore you with the details but it was a nightmare waiting for weeks for our fridge, washing machine and our dryer. I learned something in the 4 weeks that we were without a way to wash clothes… having two small, tiny, messy humans and no way to wash clothes will leave you incredibly resourceful and a very grumpy. Especially when one of your children throws up all over you the very first night in your new place. I digress…

Once our beautiful machines were delivered I immediately started washing clothes, you know after I stopped openly weeping for joy. I must have done 10 loads of laundry in two days. It was a marathon of washing clothes! I have never been so happy to do laundry, I was actually volunteering!

I’ll be honest, I am not one of those people who loves doing laundry. Once we had kids that need basically doubled and I found myself resenting the privilege laundry. (After not having them for a month I will always see it as a privilege now!) That might have been because our old laundry room was unfinished and a little spooky but still, not my favorite thing. It wasn’t the actual putting them in the machines that I hated and honestly it wasn’t even folding laundry. I actually find folding a little therapeutic. ( I know, I am weird) I must have had 2-4 laundry bins of clothes folded and ready to be put away for days before they actually got put away. It’s a problem.

During the first couple months of quarantine (yes I realize how depressing it is to say months of quarantine…) I started to hate doing laundry more and more. I decided that in order to change my attitude I needed to start changing my perspective on some of the things that may seem burdensome or tedious.

Now when I fold laundry, I pray.


I pray over the articles of clothing that I am folding and it has transformed into a very sweet time. I know that sounds strange but when you change your perspective on things, you begin to enjoy life more. A spoonful of sugar maybe?? I started out just praying for anything that came to mind when I was folding clothes, then I started being specific. I started thinking about Ephesians 6:10, I wanted to pray that the ‘full armor of God’ would protect my family. What better words to pray over them, especially right now.


For example: Socks. Does washing socks frustrate the mess out of anyone else besides me?? Why is it so difficult to find a matching pair? There has to be a trap door in the dryer that I don’t know about!

Focus Kristen! 😂

While folding Peters socks I pray over his feet. I pray a protection over where he walks and that each step he takes would be taken in boldness and strength. I pray for courage, that he would physically walk with purpose and confidence in the direction he is going.

While folding the girls socks I pray for protection for them as well. I pray that Shaylee will learn how to walk and that she will be safe while doing it. I pray for Ellie to run fearlessly and to run towards God. I pray for their health and that they will be able to stand firm where they are planted.

-I am just giving you ideas, you can pray differently obviously. ❤️


I then start praying over their shirts. For this one I pray for a breastplate to guard their hearts. I pray that iron would be woven into the cotton fibers of their clothes. That they would be protected from lies and that no unnecessary heart break would get passed their armor. I pray that their hearts would be full of love and full of grace. That they would be slow to anger and quick to show love and mercy. I pray that they will be a representation of who Jesus actually is, not who the world is portraying Him to be.

With each load I started to notice a difference in my attitude. Something starts to happen when you start praying with that sense of boldness, your faith begins to grow. Your roots start to grow deeper and deeper where you are planted and you begin to feel stronger when the winds blow.

The winds are blowing and the storms are raging, where are you plated?

Suddenly, youre not just doing laundry anymore, you’re fighting a battle and you’re getting stronger.

Suddenly you find your faith within the fibers of your laundry.

