Girl, Let it be Wavy!

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Happy Friday!!!

One question I have been asked a lot recently is how I am styling my hair! Quick background for those who want to know… I have never had “curly” hair. It has always been wavy. The kind of wavy it gets when you have thick braids and sleep in them. I have never known how to really care for this wavy hair. I was a victim on the 2000s crunch roman noodle hair style brought to you by that large bottle of gel everybody had… 😂😂


After I stopped doing that, I genuinely started straightening and curling my hair. I didn’t want to mess with it anymore. After I had my kiddos I noticed that my wave pattern came back in a big way in the back. So I started researching ways to tame it and talking to my hair stylist to see what they thought I could do with it.

Enter CGM! Or curly girl method!!

Now I will preface by saying that I do not follow it to the letter… but I follow it mostly!

Here is my product line up at the moment. I will probably switch things up occasionally when these run out, but for now I will use these up!!

Ok, here is my step by step. Again I will preface, this is what works for me. I am still experimenting and will probably not land on a solid routine for a while!

  1. Wash day: I only shampoo my hair every 3-4 days. (relax people, I shower and wash my body 😜😜) I use the Not Your Mothers shampoo most of the time. Every three weeks I will purify my hair with the Come Clean shampoo. It’s good to find a clarifying shampoo to get rid of residual build up.

  2. I then move to NYM conditioner. This is what will probably change as I experiment, I think that the conditioner is a little heavy. However, I make sure the conditioner gets to all of my hair. I brush it through with my wet brush in the shower.

  3. Once I know it has been detangled well I “squish to condish” basically I squish the conditioner into the hair like I’m scrunching my hair.

  4. While I rinse it out I brush it through with my wet brush. I then add the Cantu Leave In conditioner, just a little amount and I use the soaking wet hair to get it through the hair. I use the technique praying hands. (maybe I meed to do a video 😂)

  5. I then gently flip my hair over and gently shake out to see where the girl clumps have formed and I add a little of my Diva Curl styling cream. Just a dime size of that. (I’ll use more of that later.)

  6. I then add a generous amount of the Instant Freeze gel. I love this gel so much. Once you “scrunch out the crunch” it leave your hair really soft but holds really well. If I want less hold and more wavy I use the Kinky Curl Custard. That gel doesn’t have a ton of hold for me but does leave it very defined.

  7. Once my hair feels like seaweed, I use a cotton tee shirt to do what is called a plop. It was a game changer for me to stop using a towel to get out the extra water.

*taking one for the team by posting this picture*

*taking one for the team by posting this picture*

8. I let my hair sit in this plop for 10-20 min,

9. I get back in the shower a wash my shoulders and back of any conditioner or cream that was left so I don’t breakout.

10. I take my hair out of the plop and diffuse. This for me take a while… This is the diffuser that I use and love. It fits on every dryer. It’s from amazon and it’s the bomb.

11. Once it is dry, it might feel a little crunchy. I will then “scrunch out the crunch” with a styling cream. I like the Diva Curl Styling Cream. I use a little bit and scrunch my hair until the crunchy feeling is gone.

12. Then I am done!! I clip it back or leave as is!!

  • For refresh days I love using the Totally Twisted Mousse. I spray on some water and add a generous amount of mouse and scrunch it in. Depending how it feels I may add some gel, it just depends on the day! I then diffuse and I'm good to go!!

I hope this helped!! If you have any questions let me know! On my instagram I will add some other references and people who have inspired me!!

Have a wonderful weekend, tag me if you try this method!!! @mindfullymendedmama


